EvalWorks is an independent research and evaluation firm. Founder Amy Germuth has a proven record of conducting high-quality research and providing utilizable evaluation to stakeholders. We engage clients in all aspects of our work to determine what they need to know and how to best identify, collect and report this information. Much of our work involves the use of quasi-experimental designs embedded in mixed-methods studies, with a focus on collaborative engagement and utility of findings.
Mixed-Methods Studies
We frequently utilize a mixed-methods approach to conducting research or evaluation to ensure richer data sets and better triangulation of data.
Collaborative Engagement
We work with with program stakeholders to collaboratively identify needs, design plans, determine data collection protocols, and select reporting formats that support their audiences’ learning.
Utilization-Focused Evaluation
Our evaluations are designed to provide stakeholders with useful information that will assist them in decision-making, planning, and quality improvement.
Standards and Guiding Principles
EvalWorks adheres to the standards advocated by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation of Personnel, Programs, and the Guiding Principles of the American Evaluation Association.